Saturday, October 17, 2009


Ramaya Rama Bhadraya
Ramachandraya Vedhase
Raghu Nathaya Nathaya
Sitayah Pataye Namaha

To Rama, Ramabhadra, Raghunatha(These are different names of Lord Rama),
the Lord, the Consort of Seeta, our salutations to him.

Sri Rama Rama Rameti
Rame Raame Manorame
Sahasra Nama Tat Tulyam
Rama Nama Varanane

Lord Shiva told this shloka to Parvati I meditate upon Sri Ram as Sri Rama Rama
Rama, the thrice recital of Rama’s name is equal to Recitation of the thousand
names of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Sahasranama)

Neelambuja shyamala komalaangam
Sita-samaaropita vamabhagam
Paanau-mahaa-saayaka charu-chaapam
Namami Raamam Raghu-vamsha naatham

I do namaskarams to Lord Rama, who was the best amongst the great kings of
Raghu-kula, who wields his great bow and arrows, who has a complexion and
softness like that of a blue-lotus, and on whose left sits Goddess Sitaji, his dear

Vighneshvaraaya Varadaaya

Vighneshvaraaya Varadaaya Surappriyaaya
Lambodaraaya Sakalaaya Jagadwitaaya
Naagaananaaya Shrutiyagna Vibhooshitaaya
Gauri-sutaaya GaNanaatha Namo Namaste



|| Shree Narada Uvaacha ||

praNamya sheersa devam gauriputram vinaayakam ||
bhaktaavaasam smarennityamaayuHkaamaarthasiddhaye || 1 ||

prathamam vakratunDam cha ekadantam dviteeyakam ||
triteeyam krishNapingaaksham gajavakram chaturthakam || 2 ||

lambodaram panchamam cha shashTam vikatameva cha ||
saptamam viGhnaraajendram dhoomravarNam tathaashTamam || 3 ||

navamam bhaalachandram cha dashamam tu vinaayakam ||
ekaadasham gaNapatim dvaadasham tu gajaananam || 4 ||

dvaadashaitaani naamaani trisandhyam yaH paTHennaraH ||
na cha viGhnabhayam tasya sarvasiddhikaram prabho || 5 ||

vidyaarthi labhate vidyaam dhanaarthi labhate dhanam ||
putraarthi labhate putraanmokshaarthi labhate gatim || 6 ||

japedagaNapatistotram shaNirmaasayyaH phalam labheth ||
sanvatsareNa siddhim cha labhate naatra sanshayam || 7 ||

ashTebHyo brahmaNebHyashcha likHitvaa yaH samarpayet ||
tasya vidyaa bhavetsarvaa gaNeshasya prasaadataH || 8 ||

|| iti shreenaaradapuraaNe sankashTaanashana naama
shreegaNapati stotram sampoornam ||



( Shaantimantra )

AUM bhadraM karNebhiH shRiNuyaama devaaH
bhadraM pashyemaakshabhiryajatraaH |
devahitaM yadaayuH || 1 ||

AUM svasti na indro vRiddhashravaaH
svasti naH puushhaa vishvavedaaH |
svastinastaarkshyo arishhTanemiH
svastirno bRihaspatirdadhaatu || 2 ||

AUM sahanaavavatu ||
sahanaubhunaktu ||
saha viiryam karavaavahai ||
tejasvinaavadhiitamastu maa vidvishhaavahai || 3 ||

AUM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH ||

Shri Ganeshaya Namah ||
AUM namaste gaNapataye ||
tvameva pratyakshaM tattvamasi ||
tvameva kevalaM kartaa asi ||
tvameva kevalaM dhartaa asi ||
tvameva kevalaM hartaa asi ||
tvameva sarvan khalvidaM brahma asi ||
tvaM saakshaadaatmaa asi nityam || 1 ||

RItaM vachmi ||
satyaM vachmi || 2 ||

ava tvaM maam ||
ava vaktaaram ||
ava shrotaaram ||
ava daataaram ||
ava dhaataaram ||
avaanuuchaanamava shishhyam ||
ava pashchaattaat ||
ava purasttaat ||
avottaraattaat ||
ava dakshiNaattaat ||
ava chordhvaattaat ||
avaadharaattaat ||
sarvato maaM paahi paahi samantaat || 3 ||

tvaM vaaNmayastvaM chinmayaH ||
tvamaanandamayastvaM brahmamayaH ||
tvaM sachchidaanandaadvitiiyo asi ||
tvaM pratyakshaM brahmaasi ||
tvaM GYaanamayo viGYaanamayo asi || 4 ||

sarvaM jagadidaM tvatto jaayate ||
sarvaM jagadidaM tvattastishhThati ||
sarvaM jagadidaM tvayi layameshhyati ||
sarvaM jagadidaM tvayi pratyeti ||
tvaM bhuumiraapoanaloneelo nabhaH ||
tvaM chatvaari vaakpadaani || 5 ||

tvaM guNatrayaatiitaH ||
tvaM dehatrayaatiitaH ||
tvaM kaalatrayaatiitaH ||
tvaM muulaadhaaraH sthithoasi nityam ||
tvaM shaktitrayaatmakaH ||
tvaaM yogino dhyaayanti nityaM ||
tvaM brahmaa tvaM vishhNustvaM rudrastvaM indrastvaM agnistvaM vaayustvaM suuryastvaM
chandramaastvaM brahmabhuurbhuvaHsvarom || 6 ||

gaNaadim puurvamuchchaarya varNaadim tadanantaraM ||
anusvaaraH parataraH ||
ardhendulasitaM ||
taareNa Riddham ||
etattava manusvaruupaM ||
gakaaraH puurvaruupaM ||
akaaro madhyamaruupaM ||
anusvaarakshvaantyaruupaM ||
binduruttararuupaM ||
naadaH sandhaanaM ||
sanhitaa sandhiH ||
saishhaa gaNeshavidyaa ||
gaNakaRishhiH ||
nichRigaayatrii chhandaH ||
gaNapatirdevataa ||
AUM gan gaNapataye namaH || 7 ||

ekadantaaya vidmahe vakratuNDaaya dhiimahi ||
tanno dantii prachodayaat || 8 ||

ekadantaM chaturhastaM paashamankushadhaariNam ||
radaM cha varadaM hastairbibhraaNaM muushhakadhvajam ||
raktaM laMbodaraM shuurpakarNakaM raktavaasasam ||
raktagandhaanuliptaangaM raktapushhpaiH supuujitam ||
bhaktaanukaMpinaM devaM jagatkaaraNamachyutam ||
aavirbhuutaM cha sRishhTyaadau prakRiteH purushhaatparam ||
evaM dhyaayati yo nityaM sa yogii yoginaaM varaH || 9 ||

namo vraatapataye namo gaNapataye namaH prathamapataye namaste astu laMbodaraayaikadantaaya
vighnanaashine shivasutaaya shriivaradamuurtaye namaH || 10 ||

( Phalashruti )

etadatharvashiirshhaM yo adhiite ||
sa brahmabhuuyaaya kalpate ||
sa sarvataH sukhamedhate ||
sa sarva vighnairnabaadhyate ||
sa panchamahaapaapaatpramuchyate ||
saayamadhiiyaano divasakRitaM paapaM naashayati ||
praataradhiiyaano raatrikRitaM paapaM naashayati ||
saayaMpraataH prayunjaano apaapo bhavati ||
sarvatraadhiiyaano apavighno bhavati ||
dharmaarthakaamamokshaM cha vindati ||
idamatharvashiirshhamashishhyaaya na deyam ||
yo yadi mohaaddaasyati sa paapiiyaan bhavati ||
sahastraavartanaat ||
yaM yaM kaamamadhiite ||
taM tamanena saadhayet || 11 ||

anena gaNapatimabhishhinchati ||
sa vaagmii bhavati ||
chaturthyaamanashnan japati ||
sa vidyaavaan bhavati ||
ityatharvaNvaakyaM ||
brahmaadyaavaraNaM vidyaat ||
na bibheti kadaachaneti || 12 ||

yo duurvaankurairyajati ||
sa vaishravaNopamo bhavati ||
yo laajairyajati sa yashovaanh bhavati ||
sa medhaavaan bhavati ||
yo modakasahastreNa yajati sa vaanchhita phalamavaapnoti ||
yaH saajyasamidviryajati sa sarvaM labhate sa sarvaM labhate ||
ashhTo braahmaNaan samyaggraahayitvaa suuryavarchasvii bhavati ||
suuryagRihe mahaanadyaaM pratimaasannidho vaa japatvaa siddhamantro bhavati ||
mahaavighnaatpramuchyate ||
mahaadoshhaatpramuchyate ||
mahaapaapaat pramuchyate ||
sa sarvavidbhavati sa sarvavidbhavati ||
ya evaM veda ||
ityupanishhat || 13 ||

AUM sahanaavavatu ||
sahanaubhunaktu ||
saha viiryam karavaavahai ||
tejasvinaavadhiitamastu maa vidvishhaavahai ||

AUM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH ||

iti shriigaNapatyatharvashiirshhaM samaaptam ||

Sri Runa Vimochana Nrusimha Sthothram

[This is a panacea for those suffereing from financial problems /loan tortures..They should recite the slokam with dedication and involvement and can see themselves freed from the clutches of loan and financial issues]

Devathakarya sidhyartham sabaasthampa samudhbavam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 1

Lakshmyalingitha vaamangam bakthanaam varathaayakam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 2

Aanthramaalaatharam chanka chakraapjaayutha dhaarinam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 3

Smaranaath sarva papaknam kathrooja vishanaachanam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 4

Simhanaadhaena mahathaa dhikdhandhi bayanachanam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 5

Prahlaatha varatham Sri chamthaithaechwara vidhaarinam
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 6

Kroorakrahai peedithaanaam bakthaana - mayapratham
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 7

Vedha vedhaantha yagnaecham brahma rudhraadhi vanthitham
Sri nrusimham mahaaveeram namami runa mukthyae 8

Ya itham patathae nithyam runavimochana samjgnitham
anrunee jaayathae sathyo thanam cheekra mavaapnuyaath 9

idhi sri nrusimhapuranae runa vimochana
nrusimha sthothram sampoornam.

Sri Angaraka stotram with meaning

Angaraka shakthidaro lohithango darasutha,

Kumaro mangalo bhoumo maha kayo dana pradha., 1 

He who is like an ember, who holds a shakthi,
He who has red limbs, He who is the son of earth,
He who is young, he who does good,
He who has a gross body, He who gives wealth,

Runahartha drushti kartha roga kruth roga nasana, Vidhyuth prabho vrunakara kamadho dana hruth kuja., 2 

He who removes debts, he who looks at you,
He who causes disease, He who destroys diseases,
He who is as powerful as current, He who causes wounds,
He who fulfills desires, He who gives money and is Kuja,

Samagana priyo raktha vasthrorakthayathekshana, Lohitho raktha varnamcha sarva karmava bodhaka., 3 

He who likes to hear Sama, he who wears red cloths,
He who has blood red eyes, he who is reddish,
He who is of the colour of blood,
He who teaches us all duties,

Rakthamalyadaro hemakundali gruha nayaka, Namanyethani bhoumasya ya padeth sathatham nara., 4 

He who wears red garland, he who wears golden ear studs,
He who is the lord of planets
For him who reads all these names of the son of earth,

Runam thasya cha dourbhagyam daridryam cha vinasyathi, Danam prapnothi vipulam sthriyam chaiva manoramam., 5 

Would get rid of all his debts, bad luck, poverty,
Would get wealth, get many wives who are pretty,

Vamsodhyothakaram puthram labhathe nathra samsaya., 6 

And without any doubt beget sons,
Who would improve the stature of the family.

Yea archyedahni bhoumasya Mangalam bahu pushpakai, Sarva nasyathi peeda cha thasya gruhakrutha druvam., 7 

To those who worship with great many flowers,
Mars the do-gooder and the son of goddess earth,
All problems created by that planet will surely vanish.

Shri Hanuman Chalisa with meaning

Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari,
Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo dayaku Phal Chari

With the dust of Guru's Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then
narrate the sacred glory of Sri Ram Chandra, The Supereme among the Raghu
dynasty. The giver of the four attainments of life.

Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow, Pavan Kumar,
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar

Knowing myself to be ignorent, I urge you, O Hanuman, The son of Pavan! O
Lord! kindly Bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my
miseries and blemishes.

Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar
Jai Kipis Tihun Lok Ujgaar

Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of
monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds

Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa,
Anjani Putra Pavansut naamaa.

You, the Divine messager of Ram an d r epository of immeasurable strength, are also
known as Anjaniputra and known as the son of the wind - Pavanputra.

Mahebeer Bikram Bajrangi,
Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi.

Oh Hanumanji! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You are the
dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom.

Kanchan Baran Biraaj Subesaa,
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa.

Shri Hanumanji's physique is golden coloured. His dress is pretty, wearing
'Kundals' ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly.

Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Birjai,
Kandhe Moonj Janeu saage.

Shri Hanumanji is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner
with sacred thread across his shoulder.

Shankar Suvna Kesari Nandan,
Tej Pratap Maha Jag Vandan...

Oh Hanumanji! You are the emanation of 'SHIVA' and you delight Shri Keshri.......
Being ever effulgent, you and hold vast sway over the universe. The entire
world proptiates. You are adorable of all.

Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur,
Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur

Oh! Shri Hanumanji! You are the repository learning, virtuous, very wise and
highly keen to do the work of Shri Ram,

Prabhu Charittra Sunibe Ko Rasiya,
Ram Lakhan Sita man basyia.

You are intensely greedy for listening to the naration of Lord Ram's lifestory and
revel on its enjoyment.. You ever dwell in the hearts of Shri Ram-Sita and Shri

Sukshma roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhwana,
Bikat roop Dhari Lank Jarawa

You appeared beofre Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her, while you
assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire.

Bhim roop Dhari Asur Sanhare,
Ramchandra Ke kaaj Savare.

He, with his terrible form, killed demons in Lanka and performed all acts of Shri

Laye Sajivan Lakhan Jiyaye,
Shri Raghubir harashi
ur laye.

When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing 'Sanjivni herb' Shri Ram
took him in his deep embrace, his heart full of joy.

Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badaai,
Tum Mama Priya Bharat Sam Bahi.

Shri Ram lustily extolled Hanumanji's excellence an d r emarked, "you are as dear
to me as my own brother Bharat"

Sahastra Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave,
Asa kahi Shripati Kanth Laagave.

Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying:
"Let the thousand - tongued sheshnaag sing your glories"

Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa,
Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa

Sanak and the sages, saints. Lord Brahma, the great hermits Narad and
Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the
glories of Hanumanji exactly

Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te,
Kabi Kabid Kahin Sake Kahan Te

What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars ones etc even Gods
like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto.

Tum Upkar Sugrivahi Keenha,
Ram Miali Rajpad Deenha

Hanumanji! You rendered a great service for Sugriva, It were you who united
him with SHRI RAM and installed him on the Royal Throne.

Tumharo Mantro Bibhishan Maana,
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana.

By heeding your advice. Vibhushan became Lord of Lanka, which is known all
over the universe.

Juug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhaanu,
Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu

Hanumanji gulped, the SUN at distance of sixteen thousand miles considering
it to be a sweet fruit.

Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Maaheen,
Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Acharaj Naheen.

Carrying the Lord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. There is no
wonder in that.

Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jeete,
Sugam Anugrah Tumhre Te Te.

Oh Hanumanji! all the difficult tasks in the world are rendered easiest by your

Ram Duware Tum Rakhavare,
Hot Na Aagya Bin Paisare.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the sentinel at the door of Ram's mercy mansion or His
divine abode. No one may enter without your permission.

Sab Sukh Lahen Tumhari Sarna,
Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Darnaa..

By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under
your protection.

Aapan Tej Samharo Aapei,
Tanau Lok Hank Te Kanpei

When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might.

Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Avei,
Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavei.

Great Brave on. Hanumanji's name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons & evils spirits
away from his devotees.

Nasei Rog Hare Sab Peera,
Japat Niranter Hanumant Beera

On reciting Hanumanji's holy name regularly all the maladies perish the entire
pain disappears.

Sankat Te Hanuman Chhudavei,
Man Kram Bachan Dhyan Jo Lavei.

Those who rembember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded
against their odds in life..

Sub Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja,
Tinke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja

Oh Hanumanji! You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as
the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances.

Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lave,
Soi Amit Jivan Phal Pave.

Oh Hanumanji! You fulfill the desires of those who come to you and bestow
the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life.

Charo Juung Partap Tumhara,
Hai Parsiddha Jagat Ujiyara.

Oh Hanumanji! You magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the
four ages and your fame is radianlty noted all over the cosmos.

Sadho Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare,
Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages
and destroy all the Demons, you are the seraphic darling of Shri Ram.

Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Data,
Asa Bar Din Janki Mata.

Hanumanji has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any YOGIC
power of eight Sidhis and Nava Nidhis as per choice.

Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa,
Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa.

Oh Hanumanji! You hold the essence of devotion to RAM, always remaining His

Tumhare Bhajan Ramko Pavei.
Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisravei..

Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becames free
from suffering of severa l l ives.

Anta Kaal Raghubar Pur Jai,
Jahan Janma Hari Bhakta Kahai.

After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram an d r emains a devotee of
him, whenever, taking new birth on earth.

Aur Devata Chitt Na Dharai,
Hanumant Sei Sarva Sukh Karai

You need not hold any other demigod in mind. Hanumanji alone will give all

Sankat Kate Mitey Sab Peera,
Jo Sumirei Hanumant Balbeera

Oh Powerful Hanumanji! You end the sufferings an d r emove all the pain from
those who remember you.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai
Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naiee

Hail-Hail-Hail-Lord Hanumanji! I beseech you Honour to bless me in the
capacity of my supreme 'GURU' (teacher).

Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi,
Chhutahi Bandi Maha Sukh Hoi.

One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times daily for one hundred
days becames free from the bondage of life and death and ejoys the highest
bliss at last..

Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa,
Hoy Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa

As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are
sure to be benedicted

Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera,
Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera.

Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. "Oh my Lord! You enshrine within my


Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran , Mangal Murti Roop.
Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop.

O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Pavan, Saviour The Embodiment of
blessings, reside in my heart together with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita

Ganesh Mantras


This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One may always use it before beginning a journey, a new course in school, new career or job, or before entering into any new contract or business so that impediments are removed and your endeavor may be crowned with success.


This is a very devotional mantra personifying the all-pervading consciousness of Ganesha. This mantra is very efficacious to have the darshan of Ganesha or to feel his immediate presence as a person.


This mantra is usually taught to all children for their good education. it increases their memory power and they become successful in their examinations. Of course, people of any age may use this mantra when taking courses in a school or university and for success in attaining their degree.


This is a very powerful mantra as discussed in the Ganesha Puraana. When something is not working properly, individually or universally, nationally or internationally, or when the minds of the people get curved and negative, the attention of Ganesha may be drawn by this mantra to straighten their ways. The HUM symbolizes "Delay no more, my Lord, in straightening the paths of the curve-minded ones." This mantra is used many times in the Ganesha Puraana to curb the atrocities of cruel demons. In addition, this mantra could also be used for healing any spinal deficiency such as curvature of the spine or curved limbs. Dedicate 1008 repetitions of this holy word to straighten and heal such deficiences.


That kshipra means instantaneous. If some danger or something is coming your way and you don't know how to get rid of that trouble, with true devotion, practice this mantra for quick blessing.


There are several bija (seed) mantras in this mantra. Among other things, it means "shower Your blessings, I offer my ego as an oblation."


This mantra has a lot of meaning, but to make it simple, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on that mantra, very pleasing manners and beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace which constantly dances in your eyes, and the words which you speak are all filled with that power of love.


Aekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.


Kapila means that you are able to give color therapy. You are able to create colors around yourself and around others, bathe them in that color and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is "wish cow", the "cow of plenty." It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for healing others, comes true immediately.


The ears of Ganesha, the elephant, are constantly fanning, which means people may talk a lot, but you are not receiving inside anything other than which is important. It also means that you can sit anywhere and tune this cosmic television (the body) with seven channels (chakras) and all 72,000 nadis, to any loka and be able to hear ancestors, angels, the voice of God, or the voice of prophets. That kind of inner ear you will develop through this mantra.


Which means you feel that you are this universe. It means that all the universe are within you. Like an entire tree is in the seed, the whole universe is in the sound of creation which is OM and that OM conciousness in you makes you feel that you are the universe. Therefore, if you say, realizing the oneness with the universe, "shanti" to the world everyday, then the grace of God will come and there will be world peace, universal peace. It is the universes within OM and OM within you.


Means realizing this world as a dream or a drama. When you are in that high consciousness, this whole world looks like a dream. All of us have taken a role. We have to play our role in life as wife or husband or kids or citizens as per the role which we have taken. When an actor bitten by a sponge cobra which is brought on the stage falls, the entire audience cries, but that boy who has fallen knows that it was not a real cobra and that he is not dead. Life is a drama-definitely life in this material world, this physical world of ego is a drama. But inside, like the boy on the stage who is very happy knowing that he didn't die by the bite of the sponge cobra, like that, the truth never dies in us; it is immortal. So everything else you consider as drama. That consiousness comes to you by knowing this mantra.


Invokes the Lord to remove every impediment in your life and in your works. By constantly knowing this mantra, all obstacles and blocked energy in you also is released.


Vinayakaya is the name of Ganesha in the golden age. So by realizing this mantra, your life will have a golden age. In your office, in your work, you'll be the boss. Vinayaka means something under control. Vinayaka means the Lord of problems.


Halley's Comet is called Dhumrakeyu in the Vedas. Whenever Halley's Comet appears, on the whole planet earth and in other places also, there will be fear and terror. The guiding Masters and those who have the wisdom to face it will all withdraw to the higher worlds. Important people die during that time, and bloodshed and various other problems come. To overcome that, it's important for us to remember this mantra for world peace.


This mantra is so important. Suppose you have a group, a country, neighbours, or any kind of group therapy, group healing or a whole country nddeing healing, then you have to bring that entrie group to your mind's arena and say this mantra. A group healing takes place by this mantra.


In Sanskrit, bhala means the forehead center. Chandra means tha cresent moon. Bhalachandra means that chakra from where the nectar drips. That is the secret of all healing. It is to feel yourself as Shiva. Identifying yourself with the Truth and feeling constantly that you are carrying the cresent moon, the symbol of growth and nectar and peace.


This means to have upon your trunk an elephant head. It means the ego is cut off and in its place, OM is kept. This means to have a head filled with infinite consciousness.

Friday, October 16, 2009


When a certain person is trying to harm you, a man who is an adept in the science of mantra can stop him from doing any harm by meditations on the turmeric-colored form of Ganesha with the mantra OM HARIDRAA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA (108 times), sending that energy on that person to stop him from doing any harm.

When you want to attract people towards you or your work with good motive and for a noble purpose - without trying to take advantage of the person - then you could meditate on the dawn or crimson-colored Ganapati, saying OM VIJAYA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA and send that radiant energy towards that person. This power should not be misused. If it is misused, great harm will come to the user.

Dark-colored Ganesha is meditated upon whenever you want to destroy negativity, hatred, demoniac ego, inner or outer enemies. The mantra is OM UCCHHISTA GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA.

To cast away the devils or evil spirits from a haunted home or from the body or mind of a person, you meditate on the brown color of Ganesha. The mantra is OM SHAKTI GANAPATAYAE NAMAHA.




I know the one-tusked Lord teaching me the oneness. I know the curve-faced one straightening my path. May that elephant-headed God bless me with enlightment.



I know that transcendental person. May that curve-faced one guide me. May that Ganesha of elephant head inspire and illumine my mind.

TANNO DANTI PRACHODAYAAT (Maibraayani Samhita 2:6-9)


I know the mysterious Lord. May His elephant face guide me. May Lord Ganesha illumine my intellect.