Angaraka shakthidaro lohithango darasutha,
Kumaro mangalo bhoumo maha kayo dana pradha., 1
He who is like an ember, who holds a shakthi,
He who has red limbs, He who is the son of earth,
He who is young, he who does good,
He who has a gross body, He who gives wealth,
Runahartha drushti kartha roga kruth roga nasana, Vidhyuth prabho vrunakara kamadho dana hruth kuja., 2
He who removes debts, he who looks at you,
He who causes disease, He who destroys diseases,
He who is as powerful as current, He who causes wounds,
He who fulfills desires, He who gives money and is Kuja,
Samagana priyo raktha vasthrorakthayathekshana, Lohitho raktha varnamcha sarva karmava bodhaka., 3
He who likes to hear Sama, he who wears red cloths,
He who has blood red eyes, he who is reddish,
He who is of the colour of blood,
He who teaches us all duties,
Rakthamalyadaro hemakundali gruha nayaka, Namanyethani bhoumasya ya padeth sathatham nara., 4
He who wears red garland, he who wears golden ear studs,
He who is the lord of planets
For him who reads all these names of the son of earth,
Runam thasya cha dourbhagyam daridryam cha vinasyathi, Danam prapnothi vipulam sthriyam chaiva manoramam., 5
Would get rid of all his debts, bad luck, poverty,
Would get wealth, get many wives who are pretty,
Vamsodhyothakaram puthram labhathe nathra samsaya., 6
And without any doubt beget sons,
Who would improve the stature of the family.
Yea archyedahni bhoumasya Mangalam bahu pushpakai, Sarva nasyathi peeda cha thasya gruhakrutha druvam., 7
To those who worship with great many flowers,
Mars the do-gooder and the son of goddess earth,
All problems created by that planet will surely vanish.
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